"In Agile Modeling, Scott Ambler captures the spirit of skillfully applying the UML, patterns, and more-the balance between too much and too little."
-Craig Larman
Extreme Programming (XP) and the Unified Process (UP) have both caused quite a sensation in the software development community. Although XP offers a methodology for faster software development, many developers find that it does not explicitly include modeling time, which is crucial to ensure that a project meets its proposed requirements. UP developers, on the other hand, have found that the UP approach to modeling is too documentation-intensive and top heavy, thus impeding progress.
Enter Agile Modeling (AM)-- a unique methodology specifically designed to enhance your modeling efforts on software development projects.
In this innovative book, Scott Ambler reviews how to:
* Model on an XP project without detracting from its fast-moving and agile software development approach
* Simplify the modeling disciplines/workflows of the UP without losing any of the true benefits of those disciplines
* Use modeling to explore an issue or to facilitate communication
* Effectively apply the UML, and extend it with other methodologies, to meet your real-world development needs
* Reduce the documentation burden on your project by writing agile documents
* Use simple modeling tools, such as index cards and whiteboards, and know when to use complex CASE tools
* Rethink your approach to work areas, modeling teams, and modeling sessions
The companion Web site includes updates to the book, links to XP and AM resources, and ongoing case studies about AM.
Wiley Computer Publishing
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Visit the companion Web site at www.wiley.com/compbooks/ambler
Visit the author's Web site at www.agilemodeling.com