Praise for nonprofit law for colleges and universities
"This book covers an amazingly broad array of important issues and presents even the most complicated legal doctrines in descriptions that are to the point as well as easy to follow. It is an absolute must-have for any college or university general counsel and chief financial officers, among others."—Ellen Aprill, John E. Anderson Professor of Tax Law, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, California
"The organization of Nonprofit Law for Colleges and Universities is very user friendly.? The authors pose and answer over a thousand questions about qualification and operational issues surrounding nonprofit educational institutions, many of which advisors would not know to ask unless they consulted this book.? Their answers are easily understandable, yet detailed enough to provide a complete picture of the surrounding law.? I'll have a copy on my desk and I'll make sure our general counsel does as well."—Stephen W. Mazza, Dean and Professor of Law, University of Kansas School of Law
A hands-on guide to the pertinent legal issues facing tax-exempt colleges and universities
Answering the most frequently asked questions about the general operations of a college or university, Nonprofit Law for Colleges and Universities is a practical, accessible guide to nonprofit law as it relates to colleges and universities and their related entities, such as fundraising foundations, endowment funds, supporting organizations, for-profit subsidiaries, and limited liability companies.
With guidance from leading legal authorities in the nonprofit sector, this definitive one-volume source on nonprofit laws for institutions of higher learning presents:
A question-and-answer format, divided according to major topic areas that are of interest to those who lead and manage colleges and universities
In-depth discussions of topics including governance, endowment funds management, the annual reporting requirements, and the unrelated business rules
Essential, practical legal information in easy-to-understand English
Designed for the management and leadership of colleges and universities, as well as others working in the higher education field, such as lawyers, accountants, and fundraising/development personnel, Nonprofit Law for Colleges and Universities allows readers to easily search for and find answers to questions, putting all the information they need right at their fingertips.