TAMING THE BEAST "Larry Light has been reporting on and writing about Wall Street and its players for many years, and that experience is clearly evident in this well written, highly readable book. Larry takes the reader through the various investment strategies that fueled the big bull—and bear—markets of the past several decades, analyzes their strengths and weaknesses, and provides more than enough information to allow investors big and small to make intelligent choices about how best to manage their own portfolios in these turbulent times."—A. GARY SHILLING, President, A. Gary Shiling & Co., Inc.
"Larry Light's Taming the Beast is one of the best books yet that helps explain the growth and history of the financial markets over the past thirty years. The book deserves space on one's bookshelf as it offers an excellent history lesson for both the experienced and novice investor."—JEFFREY RUBIN, Director of Research, Birinyi Associates, Inc.
"Larry Light's Taming the Beast is a first-rate contemporary read on making money in a variety of markets in the post-crash era."—DAVD N. DREMAN, Chairman and Managing Director, Dreman Value Management, LLC