"I confess — I took virtually every picture in this book with my compact camera!"
Pros like Rick Sammon make their living with top-of-the-line dSLR cameras. Most, however, also carry a compact camera for fun candids, family shots, and even as a back-up. In this book, Rick demonstrates how a compact camera can take spectacular pictures — if you follow some basic photo tips, tricks, and techniques.
Loaded cover to cover with Rick's fabulous photos, this book shows you how to get more than you imagined possible from your high-quality compact camera.
Apply Rick Sammon's top tips for great photos — indoors and out
Learn to use the appropriate modes and settings to achieve a wide range of effects
Compare Rick's compact camera shots with similar images taken with a dSLR
See how to manage lighting and control flash with your compact camera
Explore Rick's favorite plug-ins and what they can offer
Discover settings that boost your compact camera's versatility and give you greater control
Create new opportunities for yourself by using your compact camera when dSLR equipment isn't practical