Your complete, no-nonsense guide to Solvency II Solvency II is a well-thought?out regulation, carrying an implication for transforming the European insurance industry to a common set of standards and principles, and in so doing, creating a more stable insurance industry. Full of valuable guidance, Executive's Guide to Solvency II keeps you current on the latest developments regarding this important regulation.
This well-written primer will challenge your concept—or preconception—of Solvency II, providing an introductory look at its potential impact on the European insurance industry. Authoritative, comprehensive, and insightful, it provides an inside look at:
The evolution of insurance
Insurers' risks
Why Solvency II originated
How it compares to Basel II
Regulation in context of the credit crisis
The economic balance sheet
Internal models
The goals of Solvency II
The expected complexities of Solvency II
The benefits of Solvency II
What your business needs to do to achieve implementation
With real-world guidance addressing pitfalls that may arise, Executive's Guide to Solvency II expertly explains how Solvency II will work to your business's advantage as a best practice risk management framework and a future regulatory compliance requirement.