The proven CFP Study Guide that delivers just what you need to succeed!
A quick-study guide for candidates preparing to take the CFP Certification Examination, Rattiner's Review for the CFP® Certification Examination distills the bare-bones essentials you need to know to pass this challenging exam, all in a logical and easy-to-absorb manner.
This indispensable study tool for students who have already been through traditional CFP educational programming—and just need a little extra help pulling it all together—provides a no-nonsense approach to studying for some of the most important disciplines of financial planning, including: PFP, insurance, employee benefit, investments, income tax, retirement, and estate planning. Each discipline contains short and concise statements emphasizing key points through mnemonic devices, study tips, and other established test-taking methods that provide helpful hints.
Rattiner's Review for the CFP® Certification Examination, Third Edition has been thoroughly updated to include:
- A new chapter on Test-Taking Techniques that shows you how to prepare and take the CFP Exam, emphasizing detailed or long approach and short or concise approach
- Reviews from recent CFP Exam students who compare the CFP Board curriculum to this Third Edition, ensuring that all topics are covered adequately
- New, easy-to-follow flowcharts at the beginning of each chapter highlight the macro level perspective of each subject discipline
- Basic calculator keystrokes for investment math, retirement, life, and education needs analysis, and other important calculations
- New multiple-choice questions as well as new charts and tables for quick memorizations
- New acronyms to help put things into a simplified perspective and help students tie back to the big picture flowchart
Perfect as a quick-reference guide to complement all CFP texts and self-study materials, it also serves as an important one-stop resource for financial services professionals who want information in a hurry.
Stay organized, on track, and focused with Rattiner's Review for the CFP® Certification Examination, Third Edition.