Knit Green
20 Projects & Ideas for Sustainability
Joanne Seiff
Knit responsibly!
Wouldn't it be great if your favorite hobby also supported environmental sustainability? Now it can! Knit Green is filled with tons of ideas on everything you need to be a more environmentally conscious knitter. You'll get a full exploration of green avenues and product options, including organically farmed fibers, non-animal yarns, alternative or recycled fibers and yarns, fair work and fair trade companies and programs, buying local, sustainable farming, and energy in yarn production. Plus, 20 fashion-forward projects show you how to biodiversify your knitting style to create one-of-a-kind pieces:
Hemp Placemats ? Pin Check Bermuda Bag ? Tank Empire ? Spire Smock Vegan Security Blankie ? Pixie Mitts ? Cozy Zip-Up Cardigan ? And more!
Knit Green shows you how to help preserve our planet by supporting environmental sustainability—one stitch at a time.
Joanne Seiff is a freelance writer, knitwear designer, educator, and fiber artist. Her writing and designs have appeared in Interweave Knits, Vogue Knitting, Better Homes and Gardens' Knit It!, Spin-Off, Belle Armoire, and more. Her work has also been featured in books, catalogs, and online at and She is also the author of Fiber Gathering (Wiley).