Voicemail, e-mail, IM, video conferencing — here's how to get them all working together
Unify your company's communications so your employees, clients, and suppliers can communicate more efficiently to boost your bottom line. This easy-to-understand guide shows you how to develop a strategy for unified communications, make the case for it to your stakeholders, identify the equipment you need, and implement your program.
Discover the problem — evaluate your current situation and recognize the limitations of unconnected communications
Learn the parts — get acquainted with the components of a unified communications system
From voice to VoIP — see how to maximize VoIP for instant communication with multiple contacts
Start with what you have — discover new ways to use the variety of options you may already have available
Formulate your plan — develop realistic goals, research resources, and prepare for implementation
Educate stakeholders — maintain communication about the plan, how to use the system, and the benefits it offers
Think ahead — anticipate growth and assure that your unified communications program keeps pace
Be compliant — know compliance requirements and security protocols
Open the book and find:
How to assess your existing communications
Ten unified communications solutions to investigate
The benefits of UC to your business
How to make the case for your plan
Tools you'll need
Troubleshooting advice
How to compare various technologies
Resources for learning more