The all-in-one reference on the methods and techniques for solving shock and vibration issues in portable electronic systems This comprehensive exploration of structural dynamics offers versatile methodologies for predicting shocks and vibrations in micro- and opto-electronic systems. In-depth discussion from a mechanical engineer's viewpoint helps demonstrate how to correctly interpret and evaluate data to support the development of robust structures able to withstand high-level dynamic loading—particularly in portable devices.
Structural Dynamics of Electronic and Photonic Systems promotes the execution of safer electronic-based products by covering the basic concepts and fundamentals of dynamics and vibration analysis, including the analytical and experimental procedures currently providing the most effective means for reducing structural failure resulting from such issues as handling and delivery. Some of the highlights in this book include:
Comprehensive and practical coverage of the physics and mechanics of the dynamic response and structural failure of the typical micro- and opto-electronic structural elements, assemblies, packages, devices, and systems
A thorough introduction to the existing test techniques and test methods
Guidelines for rugged design against shock and vibration including random vibrations, nonlinear problems, and the existing military and commercial standards
Examination of typical failure modes and mechanisms in electronics and photonics structures experiencing dynamic loading
This all-inclusive reference serves as an essential introduction to the field as well as a forward-thinking treatise on its future direction. It familiarizes readers with a diverse range of reliability-related problems encountered in electronic and photonic systems, and offers solution techniques that will prove invaluable for anyone pursuing—or upgrading—a career in this exciting and rapidly developing area of engineering.