"The course of true love never did run smooth." In this light-hearted comedy, some characters are heavy-hearted due to love's trials and tribulations. An elopement, a betrayal, narrowly averted fights, powerful love potions, and mischievous fairies contribute to the chaos, and much of the action takes place in a magical forest. With this modern, easy-to-understand translation, you won't lose any sleep struggling to decipher A Midsummer Night's Dream. Special aids make following the action and grasping the meaning a snap:
A brief synopsis of the plot and action
A comprehensive character list that describes the characteristics, motivations, and actions of each major player
A visual character map that shows the relationships of major characters
A cycle-of-love graphic that helps you follow who loves whom
Reflective questions that help you understand the themes of the play
With Shakespeare on the Double! A Midsummer Night's Dream, the Shakespeare course will run very smoothly.