This easy-to-use guide on study skills is designed for PhD science students, but much of the content will also be suitable for students undertaking other postgraduate science-based courses.
The book covers the skills you need to get you up and running, such as time management and organisation, as well as how to get the best out of working as part of a research team. Once your research is underway, it provides guidance and advice on how to present your work, both in writing and on paper, and how to appraise critically your own work and that of others. Throughout your research you will need to keep up to date with the scientific literature, thus information on how to do this is also included.
Featuring handy quick tips, checklists and key ‘remember’ points, the book is structured so that you can dip into it in any order throughout your research or read in stages as your work develops.
While aimed primarily at students, much of the book will also be of practical value to new supervisors wanting to ensure their students are equipped with the transferable skills needed to take them through their PhD and beyond.