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Cover image for product 1119575923
Achieve Sales Manager Success with 8 Turbo-Charged Strategies: Lead Your Sales Team to Sustained Peak Performance
ISBN: 978-1-119-57592-4
256 pages
December 2019
Title in production stage
  • Description
Warren's book draws from the firm's proprietary sales leadership programs, which routinely help teams and individuals multiply bottom-line results. Sales management professionals will immediately recognize Warren and Henry Porter as cutting-edge and will value what he has to say. The book is a leading-edge training program containing “state of art” content for accomplishing the 8 most critical abilities/strategies in the sales manager’s job. The book contains interesting, upbeat, researched information based on proven experience/ideas/tools, along with supporting examples/quotes from successful sales execs. It provides an organized, real-world process for today’s sales leader who has the most challenging, chaotic job anywhere.

While all major companies provide basic orientations for new sales managers, they are usually cluttered with policy/procedure, product, marketing info. Most companies spend huge amounts of money on sales training new employees but do little for sales manager development; skill training is minor because workshops require 10-15 people and they hire or promote one at a time. Current sales manager books focus mostly on basics like supervision, coaching, or the author’s experience. Most provide tips on handling salespeople problems. Many are written by academics rather than sales execs who have been experienced, successful sales leaders.
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