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Cover image for product 0470030313
ISBN: 978-0-470-03031-8
310 pages
July 2007
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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • Author Information
"An invaluable resource that I recommend to anyone in the financial services industry."
Dirk Riehle, Senior Research Scientist, SAP Labs LLC

"Risk officers, compliance officers, information/IT officers and CFOs coping with financial, risk, regulatory, and data management challenges can do themselves a service by becoming familiar with the innovative themes and techniques explored in this book"
—Erik Banks, Chief Risk Officer, UniCredit Markets and Investment Banking

Aligning Business and IT with Metadata shows how metadata management can help you to manage change in the financial services industry, while ensuring that you comply with regulations and limit your exposure to risk.

Hans Wegener explains metadata management and the context of the financial services industry, showing where problems can arise, and where and how value is created. He gives an in-depth introduction to three important practical areas: managing evolution, quality, and sustainability. Overall, he shows how metadata management can help to revolutionize your business and provide a blueprint to be used in strategic planning.

Read this book and discover how metadata management can be used to bring about a successful, technological evolution within your business!

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